• Projekt NF Spoločne

          • In English

          • „Vzdelanie Rómov, o Rómoch a pre Rómov“ – „Education of Roma, on Roma and for Roma“

            The project was co-financed by the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the

            State Budget of the Slovak Republic.

            The project of the Private pedagogical and social academy was realised in the frame of "Local and

            Regional Initiatives - Reducing National Disparities and Supporting Social Inclusion" co-financed by

            the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area and the National Budget of the Slovak


            Project contract signed:  25.09.2014  https://www.crz.gov.sk/index.php?ID=1536845&l=sk

            Project number: SI01018

            Implementation of the project: 30/10/2014 – 30/04/2016

            The aim of the project:

            The project has a few specific aims at the level of implementation:

             Create awareness-raising among school teachers, in order to combat negative stereotypes

            about Roma students families and improve the schools’ efforts to avoid school drop-out/failure

            among Roma children and youth;

             Establish firm ground for inclusion via non-formal education and activities related to Roma


             Promote a positive attitude towards education through awareness-raising;

             Create a platform for regular contact and dialogue between the Roma communities and the

            local authorities in Slovakia, to better respond to the concerns of the Roma and

            prevent/address discrimination, with an emphasis on the field of education.

             Increase the number of students interested in learning the Roma language and realities,

            improve language learning through inclusive teaching and non-formal education, strengthen

            Roma identity in secondary school students.

            Project phases:

            1. Organizing a swimming training at Šírava which took a week during which students could

            obtain necessary skills for their further improvement on personal as well as professional level.

            2. Arranging a computer room that is vital for building students’ pc skills that can enable them to

            be literate in the field of modern technologies. Computers are also a useful tool for teachers in

            order to be able to implement innovative methods in language learning that corresponded with

            the idea of the project.

            3. Organizing supplementary activities aimed at non/formal language learning that led to

            promoting projects’ results amongst wide audience composed of either The Roma or The Non


            The outcome:

            1. Ten classes in which the Roma language and literature are taught (3 lessons per week).

            2. Nine classes in which the subject of the Roma realities is taught (2 lessons a week)

            3. Supplementary cultural and social events with passive as well as active participation of the school

            staff and its pupils: Orange prize devoted to the Academy for its 10 years of playing an active role in

            promoting Roma rights, ski course, Pro Educo /trade market in the field of education/, literature and

            essay writing competitions; voluntary activities: White crayon, charitable fundraising for disadvantaged

            groups of people, etc.

            The purpose of the project was for students to learn how to actively participate in social life of their

            own communities in close cooperation with others who may not belong to the group of disadvantaged

            but are ready to embrace the idea of tolerance and mutual cooperation which leads to a better

            understanding and improving relations between minority and majority. The project was aimed at Roma

            students of the Social and pedagogical academy whose ambition is to become social workers and

            help raise awareness of Roma issues amongst others. The academy has been in existence for more

            than 10 years and is very active in promoting human rights especially those whose social status does

            not enable them to be speakers and active role players in the field of human rights.

            Our project was aimed at improving teaching methods and strengthens the role of the Roma language

            and Roma realities in education.

            Thanks to the financial grant from the Norwegian funds we were able to establish a computer room

            with the idea to enable students to have an easy access to various pieces of information that would

            help them be in touch with the world’s reality.

            This phase of the project was preceded by certain practical events that should be a part of their

            curriculum, such as a swimming training that was organized as a week outdoor trip to a holiday resort

            in Šírava. The swimming course was supplemented by the activities of the informal learning character.

            Those were aimed at non formal education and greatly contributed towards acknowledgment of the so

            called Roma issues.

            The next phases of the project were devoted to implementation of acquired knowledge into lessons of

            the Roma language and realities. Our teachers have started to obtain necessary skills in order to

            make education more attractive and interesting to students by conducting lessons based on

            implementing innovative approach.

            The project was realised successfully and with the idea of its endurance.

            Further information:

            Mgr. Irena Adamová

            phone: +421 917 506 610 

            e-mail: irenaadam@centrum.sk


            More infowww.eeagrants.sk  a  www.eeagrants.org



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      • Súkromná stredná odborná škola pedagogická a sociálna
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      • Súkromná stredná odborná škola pedagogická a sociálna
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